Thursday, June 18, 2009

Scam Survey

I'm about to lose my mind. You know the surveys on the back of receipts? The ones that say take this survey for a chance to instantly win x amount of dollars? Yeah, it's a lie! I took this damn survey twice now. The dead giveaway that it's a scam is that at the end of all the questions it says "press 1 to leave a message for the manager", "press 2 to leave a message for something else.", "PRESS 9 TO FINISH THIS SURVEY!" When you press 9 it thanks you and then says "unfortunately, you are not this week's instant winner."

Don't most voicemail/phone services like this use "9" as the "end the call" button.. so how in the hell can you instantly win from an automated service? I'm calling bullshit... bullshit indeed. Someone needs to go online to the (referenced by the recorded voice) list of "winners" and track these people down and find out HOW they won and what the automated system did when they supposedly won...

I really think it's a scam to get you to call and give them feedback. I really do...

1 comment:

Campbell Jane said...

LOVE the new top banner w/ empty cabinets! too funny!